TBRs and Wrap-ups

2015 End of the Year Reading Wrap-Up


Today I thought I would revisit my 2015 Reading Resolutions and see how I did this year.

1. Big Books – I want to read 10 books that have at least 550 pages. Last year, I did pretty well reading big books but I have a lot of them still sitting on my shelves that I want to get to this year.

I read 4 books this year that were over 550 this year. I am happy with this because the last half of the year was insanely busy and I was reading pretty much only easy books from August until Christmas break. Next year I hope to read more big books to get some of them conquered.

2. Classics – I would like to read at least 15 classics off of the Classics Reading Challenge my sister, friend, and I are reading through. I think that 15 classics will be a really good accomplishment for this challenge.

I did not complete this one at all! I read 5 classics in 2015 which is pretty respectful but I wish that I could have squeezed in a few more.

3. TBR Pile – I will attempt to get my TBR pile of physical books below 200. It is currently around 250 or so. This includes books that I buy in 2015. I really want to spend this year reading mostly from my own shelves since I have built up a little library at home.

Nope…..just nope. My book count is now above 300…Oh well!

4. Series – Whether I have already started them or will start them in the new year, I want to complete 5 series in 2015. I own quite a few series and have a bunch more that I can get at the library. The top of the list on this is A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. I also want to finish reading the last 5 books in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling.

I did okay on this one as well. I did not complete A Song of Ice and Fire at all, or Harry Potter but I did read more in each of them. However, I did read the Earthsea trilogy and the Fire and Thorns trilogy by Rae Carson completely and read the next book in the Sherlock Holmes series, The Sign of the Four. I also am now caught up with the Saga graphic novel series which was amazing to read. Even though I did not complete as many as I wanted to, I got a little closer to finishing some.

5. Jessi’s Picks – For this resolution, I am going to have my sister pick 12 books from my shelves that she wants me to read in 2015. They can be any books at all and I will read at least one each month in 2015. This will help me read some books that I have been avoiding or just haven’t thought to pick up yet. I will not be limiting myself to one each month but I have to read at least one a month until they are all gone. I will probably do a separate post showing which books she has picked for me.

I really liked doing this challenge even though I didn’t complete it. I read about 6 of the books and after getting a new job and moving, I just didn’t keep up with this one.

Overall, I am always happy with how many books I read. I completed 80 books which was a lot more than I thought I would. I loved making these resolutions to guide my reading and track my progress throughout the year.

How did you do on your reading goals for the year? Let me know down below. I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by!

Happy Reading and Happy New Year!

3 thoughts on “2015 End of the Year Reading Wrap-Up”

  1. My challenge was no where near as specific as yours, which suits me as I tend to follow 1 author and read all of their books before going on to another. I did complete my goodreads challenge of 50 books but it was completed this fall! Then after losing our house and all my books in the valley fire I just kind of quit reading for a while. I do hope to read more challenging books this year but with a probable move and job change…we shall see. By the way, I have seen your personal library and it is growing!!!

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